
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 2: Two Songs

First Song: Again by Lenny Kravitz

 I first fell in love with this song when I was around 11 or 12. And yes, the video is not totally appropriate for  someone that age. But Lenny sang his way into my prepubescent  heart and the song stuck with me until this very day. My heart still gives a little Kilig jiggle whenever I hear this song play. And now that I'm old enough, I can confess that seeing that split second view of Lenny's posterior is also another reason why this is so memorable. Haha.

But little did my eleven year old self know that this song would become the narration of all the relationships that mattered and could have mattered in my life. Or at least it's the story of how all those relationships ended.  Premonition perhaps?

Second song: Belle (reprise)

They lyrics would best explain why I like this song:

I want adventure in the great wide somewhere
I want it more than I can tell
And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more than they've got planned


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day 1: One Picture

This one was particularly difficult. 

As someone who looooves taking photos, choosing just one is simply horrible. But this is also an exercise on rule-following hence, I finally decided on this one: 

Aside from the fact that my shoes were divine (although you can't see it fully, such a shame)  this photo is special because this was THE turning point of my life. 

One spends two decades of his/her life studying and studying and studying to reach this very point - the end of obligated education. And like any idealistic university graduate- I felt like the world was mine to conquer.  Secretly, I was scared as shit because I didn't know where or what I was going to do now that I am to be set forth into the wild. I was worried that I wouldn't make it. I had already realized that the my course would not exactly lead me to the career that I wanted and my brain was panicking since it was too late to go back and redo everything.

 But despite such qualms, I liked to believe that my college diploma would still work wonders for me. I had it all figured out anyway and I was imagining myself to be working in Makati or Ortigas, sharing an apartment with friends and maintaining my Manila life. 

What I didn't know was that 5 months later, I would be somewhere totally different and everything that was important to me at this very moment would quietly slip away. 

But that's exactly why I love this photo. It was the moment in one's life when making decisions was so terrifying and exciting at the same time as it would forever set the course of one's path. It's a nice reminder of a time when I was drunk on youthful optimism and idealism that my time to explore the world has finally come

And best of all- it would be nice to go back and assure the girl in this photo that I would make it, (better than expected!), but not just the way I had envisioned it to be. :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Peer Pressure

After much peer pressure from a certain Madame R, I decided to resurrect this blog for this: 

I'm a terrible blogger with no direction whatsoever so being confined to a certain structure alleviates my chronic bout of writer's block.
